I don't even care if the true ending is what we saw, I don't like it and if it's that way I want to get over it and wait to see what they' will come up to with ME4. I am sick of their no comment attitude despite what looks like solid evidence. If the Indoctrination theory is not true then why can they just say so. I was expecting some clues in either direction. The other thing I disliked is the F****** ambiguity about the Indocrination theory, in Leviathan you seem to get controlled by the levianthan and you finish the DLC by admitting having a headache, wich is a sign of indoctrination. Despite this, I was expecting more and I was a little bit frustrated to see that the adjuvant plot was not more relevant. The story is simple you have to take bacjk Omega and kill everyting in your way.
It is a nice side story with new enemies. I won't comment on the price since for me it seems ok. It is a nice side story with new It was good.